Saturday, September 12, 2009


Hi ya'll! Sorry it's been so long since we've put out a post.
This Labor Day weekend I had been thinking a lot about fellowship with believers, since I spent the weekend with some of my best friends. I realized that I can go to church, socialize, and not fellowship. Fellowship is when you meet together to worship Christ. When that happens, you don't have to worry about socialization - you automatically figure out who's serious about Christ and who's not. So I encourage you to go to church tomorrow with your focus on worship, and I promise you God will put a like-minded person in your path with whom you can worship. I challenge you to not care what others think, and just open your heart for God to use. For the past three years I was too angry, to afraid to open my heart. And only in the past month or so have I learned why God put me here - so that I can openly show that I am not perfect, that I experience pain, so that others around me can identify with me, and learn from what I am learning. I am to be an example even in my suffering - an example of joy, service, and wholehearted love for my Savior, Jesus Christ. Sure, I get laughed at, mocked, and cursed, but if I continue to make myself vulnerable, God will protect me. I know that sounds kind of backwards, and I'll be honest - it's pretty freaky to humble yourself and allow people to see your weaknesses, but they will eventually appreciate you for it. They'll see you as a real person, not some super-spiritual snob. I tried so hard to be an example in my youth group - not getting in trouble, always bringing my Bible to church, not laughing at crude jokes, but it quickly became a source of pride. And my peers resented me for it. God showed me that He made Himself a sacrifice for those who persecuted Him - why should I do any less for He who gave His life for me?
I encourage you to do as Luke 6:28 says: "Bless those who curse you and pray for those who despitefully use you." Open your heart, love those who are hard to love or don't love you, and allow God to use you. Let Him work His wonders through your life. No matter how painfully and humiliating it will be, because it definitely will, just keep loving. Love Him; love them, because He loved you first. Fellowship - find someone to help you and keep you accountable.
Have a great Sunday!

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