Thursday, June 11, 2009

Glorious Love, Part 2

I was prevented from finishing my last post by a thunderstorm, which made me have to shut the computer down. So here I am, on a nice, sunny day to finish!
I was speaking about how much God loved us, and how He took away our debt even though we were so guilty. Now, in order to really get this post, you're going to have to throw out every preconceived notion of God you may already have in your head. Pretty much everybody has one, now get rid of it, and prepare to be amazed by who God really is.
When I was in second grade, almost every day I would take a baloney sandwich to school for lunch. I ate them so often that my Mom would often tell me, "You're gonna turn into a baloney sandwich if you keep eating them!" Now, think about this: all of us have most likely heard the saying "God is love." Have you ever stopped to wonder why? Have you ever thought that maybe it was because He did is so much, so strongly, so often, so powerfully, that He just turned into it? Yeah! Isn't that an amazing thought?! God loved us soooooooooooooo very much, that He just became love! God is love. And He loves US! Of all of His creations, we are the ones who least deserve it, but He chose us. Wow. Concentrate on that thought today as you live your life. Think about how much He loves you, and how much He wants you to love Him! He is waiting for you - how will you respond?
If you have questions on how to respond, or what in the world all of this could mean for your life, then feel free to contact me (or Holly).


  1. I liked how you said "God is Love". Tips: Change your color scheme. [I had to highlight the text in order to read it. Choose a white text, or a lighter background.]

    Other than that, I can just encourage you to keep it up! I'll be keeping up with you,


  2. I loved how you said that God love us when we don't deserve it. I think that's so wonderful.

